Foxtail Millet
from Rs. 115.00
Foxtail millet is rich in dietary fiber, protein and low in fat. foxtail millet releases glucose steadily without affecting the metabolism of the body. The incidence of diabetes is rare among the population which consumes foxtail millet diet.
Millets are highly nutritious and non-glutinous.They are considered to be the least allergenic and most easily digestible grains available. Since millet does not contain gluten, it is a wonderful grain alternative for people who are gluten-sensitive
It helps control Blood sugar levels when consumed on regular basis. It showed lowered triglyceride levels, LDL/VLDL Cholesterol and increase in HDL Cholesterol.
Millet's are a natural source of protein and iron.
Millet is very easy to digest; it contains a high amount of lecithin and is excellent for strengthening the nervous system.
Millet's are rich in B vitamins, especially niacin, B6 and folic acid, as well as the minerals calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium and zinc.

Barnyard Millet
Rs. 105.00
Known as Jhangora in Garhwal and Maadira in Kumaon, the nutritious Barnyard Millet is a major food crop in Uttarakhand. Jangora is cooked mainly as plain rice but also in diverse local forms such as chhichhinda, kheer, ginjdi.
Please click the Recipes Tab for Traditional Recipes.

Organic Quinoa 500 gms
Rs. 255.00
Rs. 310.00
Quinoa is one of the world's most popular health foods.
Quinoa is gluten-free, high in protein and one of the few plant foods that contain sufficient amounts of all nine essential amino acids..
It is also high in fiber, magnesium, B vitamins, iron, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, vitamin E and various beneficial antioxidants.

Organic Flax Seed - Super Food
from Rs. 90.00
Organic Flax Seed - Glutton free Super Food
Flaxseeds contain anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids along with antioxidant substances called lignans that help promote hormonal balance in addition to several other benefits of flaxseed.
Benefits of flax seed include helping improve digestion, skin, cardiovascular health, cholesterol and hormone balance while fighting cancer and even sugar cravings — and that’s just the beginning!
Source: https://draxe.com/10-flax-seed-benefits-nutrition-facts/

Organic Bajra
from Rs. 65.00
Bajra is gluten free, high in protein and has good amino acid balance. It is reasonably a good source of thiamine and better source of iron. It can be used for making many delicacies. It provides relief from heat in summer and in winter it increases the capacity to withstand the cold weather conditions. It provides more energy for the calories consumed.
Benefits Of Bajra:
1.Weight Management: Consists of complex carbs, bajra is absorbed slowly from our digestive tract, leading to greater satiety while ensuring a continuous flow of energy. This helps prevent overeating
2. Gluten Free: The protein content in bajra is gluten free, making it a good change from the gluten heavy daily meals we consume.
3. Gut Health: Bajra is a rich source of insoluble fibre, which works as a pre-biotic in our gut, helping keep our digestive health in top form. Insoluble fibre also helps prevent overeating by adding bulk to the meals, leading to early satiety. Insoluble fibre is also vital for proper bowel cleansing and preventing constipation.
4. Helps Manage Diabetes: Diabetes control and prevention both are affected by fibre intake in our daily diet. The positive effects are well documented in a number of studies worldwide. Bajra has a positive effect on diabetes because its fibre content and the presence of slowly digestible starch, which takes longer to convert to glucose. This helps in managing diabetes and providing a sustained energy release for diabetics. Moreover, bajra is a good source of magnesium, which is associated with a lowered risk of diabetes.
5. Healthy Heart: Since bajra is a good source of magnesium, it is good for heart patients to add bajra to their diet. Magnesium is capable of preventing risk factors of cardiovascular diseases like BP and diabetes. Studies have also pointed towards a beneficial effect of magnesium on lowering LDL (bad) cholesterol and it also protects against stroke.
6. Packed With Omega-3 Fats
7. Full Of Iron And Phosphorus

Ragi Millet (Mandua Whole)
from Rs. 95.00
Ragi Millets is one of the world's earliest food plants used by humans. It is naturally gluten free and is non-acid forming. Millets are alkalizing foods which helps in preventing chronic diseases. Ragi is rich in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. It exhibits anti-diabetic, anti-microbial and anti-ulcerative properties. ragi is used in diabetic management, as a baby food and as a calcium supplement Soak, ferment, roast or sprout before consumption to derive full benefits of millets and whole grains.
Ragi is the common name of Finger Millet in South India more particularly in Karnataka & Andhra, it is one of the most nutritious food and one of the easy one to digest. It is rich in calcium and protein and also has good amount of iron and other minerals. It is low in fat most of which are unsaturated fats.

Organic Jowar
from Rs. 75.00
Jowar is considered as one of the healthy millet in the world. It has an incredible health benefits of jowar and an integral part of Indian meals.
Jowar or sorghum is rated among the top five healthy grains in the world. Steam it, boil it, use it in a stew, make a soupout of it; well this grain can be used in multiple ways rather than just grinding it to a flour.
Jowar kernels can be steamed and boiled. It can also be added to soups and stews or ground into a flour that can be used as a substitute for wheat flour in baked goods, pancakes or chapatis. It may be cooked as a breakfast porridge. The jowar flour can be mixed with others to make multigrain flour. Popped over fire or roasted jowar kernels are eaten as a snack with seasoning.
Benefits of Jowar
Jowar has high-protein, is cholesterol-free source of a variety of essential nutrients, including dietary fiber, iron, phosphorus and thiamine.
It is a great substitute for people with celiac disease or wheat allergies. It keeps bones and teeth strong by providing energy to the body. It is a good source of vitamin B.
It is gluten-free: Gluten is a protein component found in wheat and barley-based foods, and is believed to cause digestive problems such as bloating, pain and stomach cramps. Jowar, a gluten-free whole grain, is considered an excellent alternative for people who suffer from ‘gluten intolerance‘ and it is rich in nutrients as well.
Rich in fiber: Compared to other cereal grains like barley or rice, jowar contains a much higher concentration of fiber. A single serving contains more than 12 grams, which is more than the recommended daily intake of 48%. A high fiber diet lower...
High protein: One cup of jowar has 22 grams of protein, which supplies the body with energy as well as aids in cell regeneration.
Full of iron: Jowar contains 8.45 milligrams of iron in every cup. Since the iron in jowar is non-heme (difficult to absorb), pairing it with meat or a source of Vitamin C will give you maximum benefit.
Controls blood sugar levels: Jowar, a complex carbohydrate, is digested slowly, prompting a more gradual rise in blood sugar. That’s why it’s a great diet choice for diabetics and people who want to lose weight.
Good for bone health: Because it contains high levels of magnesium, jowar helps maintain calcium levels in the body (magnesium increases calcium absorption).
Packed with vitamins, minerals and micronutrients: It contains B vitamins, which help the body build new tissues and cells, as well as potassium and phosphorous. Additionally, jowar contains traces of zinc, copper and over 20 micronutrients as well as high levels of antioxidants.